If you are a first-time visitor to our website, we would love to have you visit our church this Sunday! Here at Word of Life our main theme is to exalt The Lord Jesus Christ. If you are looking for a church home that has that goal in mind, we would like to encourage you to be with us in one of our scheduled services.
"Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is."
As We proclaim Jesus, the Christ, as head of the church and the Manifested
Word of God. Our goal is to teach the Word of God with simplicity and understanding, so that it may be applied to our everyday lives in a practical and effective manner. Thereby, being transformed into Doers of God’s Word, changing our immediate world and all those with whom we come into contact, ultimately making a mark that cannot be erased.
Word of Life Christian Fellowship International is a local and caring community of Christians who worship and follow the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that instruction from God’s Word, evangelism, personal discipleship, fellowship and service are essential to the church’s purpose. The involvement of every believer and the discovery and exercise of his or her spiritual gifts are core to the church’s success. Word of Life Christian Fellowship International is non- denominational; it is conservative and challenging without being legalistic or negative.
Orange, New Jersey
Very cold today
22° 13°
Feels Like: 13°Humidity: 61%
Wind: 3 MPH
Contact Us
Word Of Life Christian Fellowship Church InternationalOrange, New Jersey 07050